BullyingCanada is looking for individuals willing to lend a hand by writing a card to homeless or recovering people to help them this holiday season.
To get involved, simply go to BullyingCanada.ca/HomelessHoliday for details on how to write and send in greeting cards.
Though this isn’t an anti-bullying project in the traditional sense, as we work with Canadian youth and schools, we would like to remind everyone that the homeless are valued, too. They’re often bullied while on the streets, let’s make sure they know we care.
BullyingCanada would especially like families to get involved. Having your kids help out can teach them empathy for others. It will serve them well in life and can have an impact on bullying in their schools.
BullyingCanada Inc is Canada’s premier—and first youth-created—anti-bullying charity. Founded by Rob Benn-Frenette, O.N.B. and Katie Thompson (Neu) in 2006, BullyingCanada has served hundreds of thousands of youth across the country by, amongst other initiatives, providing individual support, extensive resources, case management, scholarships, and presentations to schools and organizations.