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HomeFood & DrinkBring Italian Flavor to Your Thanksgiving Feast with these Incredible Wines

Bring Italian Flavor to Your Thanksgiving Feast with these Incredible Wines

Donnachiara Winery’s Ilaria Petitto brought Thanksgiving early to one of Manhattan’s top Italian restaurants Il Gattopardo.

Hosted by the always amazing certified Italian Wine Ambassador with a Diploma in Wines & Spirits,  Susannah Gold, we tasted through 6 wines (4 white, 2 red) paired with 4 courses aiming for a Thanksgiving to remember.

Wine Expert Susannah Gold
Wine Expert Susannah Gold

The secondo was very Thanksgiving – influenced (and spoiler alert:  the wine that Donnachiara chose was absolutely perfect.)


The special secret to Donnachiara Winery’s roster in my humble opinion is incredible Old World quality with truly remarkable present day pricing.

Donnachiara Winery is Old World with Modern Twist

Before we ate, Ilaria introduced her family’s history and explained how the new generation (her generation) is leading the Montefalcione wine revolution, with her mother’s blessing.

Donnachiara Winery’s Ilaria Petitto
Donnachiara Winery’s Ilaria Petitto


In the same spirit, Ilaria proudly announced that she is now the Vice President of the Conosrzio di Tutela dei Vini dell’Irpinia.

Ilaria continued, sharing their winery is located in Montefalcione, in the Irpinia area near Avellino. While the vineyards have been in the family for over 150 years, the modern winery was completed in 2005.  Ilaria’s mother, Chiara Petitto, is a vocal supporter of her work in the winery.


Tell Me More About Donnachiara Winery


The Donnachiara Winery on the hills of Montefalcione
The Donnachiara Winery on the hills of Montefalcione

The Donnachiara Winery stands high on the hills of Montefalcione.

Montefalcione is nestled in the Central West of Italy, near Montevergine and Chiusano – just over two hours south of Rome and about an hour East of Naples.

The Donnachiara Winery on the hills of Montefalcione
The Donnachiara Winery on the hills of Montefalcione

The winery’s philosophy is to preserve the traditional grape varieties of the local territory and keep the typical character of the wines from being lost to standardization, like many of the wines on the market today. 


Our Early Thanksgiving Feast Starts




Crudo di Spigola marinato al lime ed erbe su crostino

Mini Mozzarelle in Carrozza Con Salsetta D’  Acciughe di Cetara

Palle di riso piselli, parmigiano e sughetto di vitello


Fiano de Avellino docg 2021 is the perfect start.  A golden shimmer in the glass.  The nose matches with a striking aroma of cream, a hint of bread crust and french vanilla.  The mouth is full bodied, bright and creamy.  A light touch, which would pair well with grilled salmon.


Empatia Fiano de Avellino BIO 2021 continues to tease and tickle your senses.  Straw yellow in the glass with a chalky, limestone bouquet.  A lighter mouthfeel with a soft, tart note. Would pair deliciously with seafood, mussels, lobster.

Fiano de Avellino docg 2021, Empatia Fiano de Avellino BIO 2021




Cavatelli di grano antico “Senatore Capelli”
Cavatelli di grano antico “Senatore Capelli”

Cavatelli di grano antico “Senatore Capelli”

Con fagioli Spollichini e cozze


Greco di Tufo docg 2021 is pale yellow in the glass.  A beautiful bouquet of peach, pineapple, and apricot. The mouth is fresh and soft, and lingers on and on.  Pairs well with light seafood and pasta with truffles.


Aletheia Greco di Tufo docg Riserva 2020 is quite incredible.  Pale yellow in the glass.  A complex nose of peach, pineapple and the faintest hint of cedar.  The strikingly fresh, bolder taste and slightly heavier mouthfeel would pair well with seafood, pasta with mushrooms, and blue cheeses.

Greco di Tufo docg 2021, Aletheia Greco di Tufo docg Riserva 2020



Tacchino del “Ringraziamento” ripieno di Castagne e Salsiccia
Tacchino del “Ringraziamento” ripieno di Castagne e Salsiccia

Tacchino del “Ringraziamento” ripieno di Castagne e Salsiccia

con friarielli saltati in Padella

Tacchino del “Ringraziamento” ripieno di Castagne e Salsiccia
Tacchino del “Ringraziamento” ripieno di Castagne e Salsiccia

Aglianico Irpinia doc 2020 has a gorgeous violet shimmer in the glass.  The nose is blueberry with a hint of herb.  Medium mouthfeel with mineral and herbal hints.  Would pair well with turkey and rabbit.


Taurasi docg 2018 is an all-star for this meal.  Ruby red in the glass.  Burnt cherry, with plums and toast on the nose.  Mouth is a velvety, gush of jam with black currant.  Would pair well with gamey and braised meats.

If you’re serving cranberry as a side dish, this Taurasi bottle elevates the taste.  It’s a winner.

Aglianico Irpinia doc 2020, Taurasi docg 2018


La Pastiera Napoletana



La Pastiera Napoletana
La Pastiera Napoletana

While each of the wines tasted at lunch were enjoyable, there were two that are perfect for your Thanksgiving pairings.

If you ordered both for your Thanksgiving, poured Alethia Greco di Tufo docg Riserva 2020 as your guests are arriving and offered Taurasi docg 2018 as you served your main course, magic would happen!

The wines are available at Total Wine throughout the country and at selected stores and restaurants around the East Coast.
Donnachiara Winery’s website is Donnachiara.com
Joe Wehinger
Joe Wehinger (nicknamed Joe Winger) has written for over 20 years about the business of lifestyle and entertainment. Joe is an entertainment producer, media entrepreneur, public speaker, and C-level consultant who owns businesses in entertainment, lifestyle, tourism and publishing. He is an award-winning filmmaker, published author, member of the Directors Guild of America, International Food Travel Wine Authors Association, WSET Level 2 Wine student, WSET Level 2 Cocktail student, member of the LA Wine Writers. Email to: [email protected]
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