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HomeLifestyleTop 10 Tips: Ladies Love a Sharp-Dressed Man -- Blazers Color, Style,...

Top 10 Tips: Ladies Love a Sharp-Dressed Man — Blazers Color, Style, Fit (Part 2 of 2 )

Today is all about blazers, what it is, what it is not, how you should wear it and how it should fit.

The blazer is an integral part of every gentleman’s look.

Another aspect that you have to pay attention to is the pockets. If you want your blazer to be more casual, I suggest you opt for patch pockets.

If you want to play around with color, what you can do is go in with a contrasting lining in red or yellow or green, that will sometimes pop especially if you’re outside a lot, otherwise, I would say, if it’s your first blazer, get a navy blazer.

History of the Blazer

The blazer’s a classic garment so let’s talk briefly about the history of it. According to one theory, it goes back to the Lady Margaret Boat Club and to the second theory, it has to do with the HMS blazer which was a ship.

Another very important aspect of a blazer is the fabric. If you’re thinking about getting your first blazer, I strongly suggest that you get a navy blue one.



The most popular blazer fabric is serge. Another great alternative is hopsack which has kind of a two dimensional. Three-dimensional look because it sometimes has different colors, it’s very popular in


If you live in colder climates, maybe think about going with a navy flannel blazer, it has a very sophisticated look, and it keeps you warm.

If you live in warmer climates, think about maybe a linen blazer or a fresco blazer.

Striped blazers often come in cotton, sometimes in velvet or combination of wool and cotton. Generally, you only find them in England, in vintage stores or if you go to the Cambridge and Oxford boat race, they are very specialized item that’s very bold and you’ll make a big statement with it.

Therefore, I don’t suggest that you invest in it when you’re starting out, it’s really something for more advanced dressers.


In terms of vents, I suggest you go with side vents because center vents are just for horseback riding.

For sleeve buttons, I suggest you go with three or traditional four, if you want it more casual, you can also go with two.

Generally, a blazer should fit like a suit jacket or a sport coat.

What does it mean?

It means the shoulder seam should be on your shoulder bone. The collar should sit tight against your neck. You want to have some room in your shoulders, ideally, you want a smaller armhole for a greater range of movement and in terms of length, always cover your rear end. If you want a more formal blazer, you should get a more structured interlining.

There’s no right or wrong, it really just depends on the situation you wear them and what you want to achieve.

Joe Wehinger
Joe Wehinger (nicknamed Joe Winger) has written for over 20 years about the business of lifestyle and entertainment. Joe is an entertainment producer, media entrepreneur, public speaker, and C-level consultant who owns businesses in entertainment, lifestyle, tourism and publishing. He is an award-winning filmmaker, published author, member of the Directors Guild of America, International Food Travel Wine Authors Association, WSET Level 2 Wine student, WSET Level 2 Cocktail student, member of the LA Wine Writers. Email to: [email protected]
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