Everyone is looking to get healthy, to achieve their own diet plan. Whether it’s to lose a few pounds, look better at their wedding, fit back into their favorite dress or just to add a sparkle to their look.
First a disclaimer. Scientifically and medically, there’s no such thing as “it works for everyone.” But this has worked for many and most of the healthy-ish general population.
The 2-3 Diet
The secret to living a long and healthy life is all about following a standard healthy eating routine. Vitamin and mineral-rich foods can keep you healthy and fit, enjoying your life to the fullest. While it is commonly believed that eating high-calorie and high protein foods like meat and eggs are important for living a long life.
The secret here is 2 fruit per day and 3 vegetables. Simple, right?
Why you should try it?
Studied confirm the secret to longevity lies in a nutrition plan involving more fruits and vegetables. Correct. Not meat or chicken-based. But rather leafy greens and fresh fruits to help enhance your system and prevent aging.
Want a diet to live longer?
A new study released in March 2021 by the American Health Association and conducted by researchers at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health showed eating a balanced amount of fruits and vegetables can help us live longer.
A daily nutrition plan of two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables lowers aging symptoms.
While so many others create complicated plans and struggle to keep up. The 2-3D Diet plan is simple, affordable and works.