Thursday, February 27, 2025


On occasion, our readers are offered giveaways from our advertising partners

(travel, fashion, entertainment, wellness)

Sign up below for your chance to win!


Marissa G (Albuquerque, NM): “It was beautiful!  We spent a week in Greece as our dream vacation.  Two weeks later I found out I was preggers!  Best year ever!  Thank you Daily Ovation.”

Natasha K. (Sacramento, CA): “So awesome!  We love tennis!  We were given a beautiful room for a weekend in Palm Springs and got to see the Indian Wells Tennis Tournament.  Best anniversary ever.  Thank you Daily Ovation.”

Dale R. (Walla Walla, WA): “It was perfect timing.  We were looking up live-stream concerts this summer and a week later we received a gift card for a show we both really wanted to go to with a zoom meet and greet.   Thanks Daily Ovation. ”

Linsey B. (Evanston, IL): “It has been a crazy year.  We won much-needed fitness gifts.  I found a great yoga mat and year-long on-line class subscription. Thanks Daily Ovation. ”

Please consider entering today (it’s free) for your chance to win some incredible items and experiences as a thank you for joining our family.

Sign up below!

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