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What Is The Big Shift In Digital Marketing For Small Business?

The magento e-commerce agency or E-commerce development puts in place strategies that promote the digital marketing development for small businesses.

These small businesses and SMEs are the big ones missing from the digital transformation.

And yet, it is the very small businesses that are the biggest delay in the adoption of digitalization techniques of companies, although we see that more and more are beginning their digital transition.

What are the main benefits of successful digital marketing? 

  • Develop its reputation on the internet, via an increased presence on social networks, or the production of marketing content to improve their SEO.
  • Improve productivity through the use of digital tools in-house: online project management tools exist and can enable BtoB and BtoB SMEs to automate certain tasks and to free their employee’s time, to devote to the heart of their business.
  • Boost annual sales, by marketing their products or services on the internet, via an e-commerce site or a non-commercial site optimized to collect information about prospects.  

Managerial Change

The main obstacle at the root of the difficult but necessary digital transition for small and medium-sized businesses is managerial change.

This lock is usually observed fairly quickly in the corporate world, and particularly in SMEs and small and medium-sized businesses.

The digital divide that exists at the level of the management committees of companies cannot be welded without the initial impetus of the Chief Executive Officer or the members of Top Management.

While the various General Directorates are increasingly seizing the stakes and benefits of the digitalization of companies, many still skate during the passage to the act.

 Digital is at the crossroads of all the functions of our companies today.

  • The commercial function is evolving: the use of social media enables SMEs and small businesses to practice social selling, actively listen to their prospects, and quickly increase their visibility on the Internet.
  • Marketing and communication functions are emerging within BtoB and TPE BtoB SMEs to boost the digitalization of the company: they realize that a great opportunity to maximize their annual turnover is made possible by the advent of digital technology, if they are visible on the Internet and have the means to communicate effectively with their targets.
  • The CIO function in SMEs and BtoB TPE is increasingly involved in cross-business projects. The DSI function must now work alongside the marketing and communication functions when it comes to, for example, deploying your website, securing it and optimizing it.

This reality of transversal projects within an enterprise organization requires open departments. The top-down hierarchies, often observed in companies, are no longer adapted to the digitalization era of companies.

The digital induces radical transformations that require preparing your company for the digital shift. 

Digitalization, a strong growth driver for SMEs

The opportunities offered to companies through digital transformation are multiple. This is the way for SMEs to:

  1. Increase sales by reaching a larger number of consumers.
  2. Improve business productivity by streamlining business processes; the automation of these processes can reduce costs by implementing a more flexible organization.
  3. Develop innovation by facilitating entrepreneurship; thanks to digital technology, SMEs can now launch new offers much more quickly, compare them to the market at a lower cost, test new business models, and easily expand their ecosystem, and so on.
  4. Compete with large companies by being visible at lower cost: No need to spend huge sums to become known or reach its target, the digital democratizes access to the market and allows playing as equals with large groups


How to prepare and succeed the digitization of my company as a Manager?

  • You must absolutely ask your CIO and Marketing Director to work hand in hand! Each digital project today goes beyond the only technological or marketing issues.

Take for example your digital infrastructure: you have a website, but you want to optimize its performance. Do not ask your Marketing Director to take care of it alone if you want to achieve your goals!  An optimized website requires the use of tools or purely computer skills. Even in some start-ups with less than 5 employees, there is what’s called a Chief Digital Officer. His role is to identify digital transition projects, prioritize them and implement them.

  • Do not neglect the HR aspect! The first challenge for a VSE or BtoB SME is that it usually does not have the in-house skills to understand and conduct its own digital transformation.

You must solve the difficulties of hiring skills dedicated to the implementation of a digital project, and anticipate the need for know-how. Give white card to your HR or HR manager, and do not forget that nothing obliges you to have absolutely to recruit a complete digital team.

The ecosystem in which you operate allows your HR to interact with a large typology of digital actors, at lower cost: magento E-commerce agency, E-commerce development…

  • Agility to succeed in the digitization of the company! It is often observed within small businesses and small and medium-sized businesses in certain sectors of activity: they are used to developing rigorous processes and fixed methodologies.

But other companies – often start-ups, pure players or bigger structures – did not wait to experiment and validate internally new agile methods based on empiricism, the realization of successive tests and the learning their mistakes.

For example, a website that generates good results in terms of commercial efficiency does not necessarily require a large budget, if it integrates from the beginning into a test and learn process. It is part of a process of continuous improvement of its performance, with small inexpensive but effective changes.

You will understand: the digital transformation of companies is a word that makes the buzz.

The biggest mistake would be to think that the digital transition is the prerogative of large companies…

VSEs and SMEs BtoB have before them a great opportunity to accelerate their commercial development at lower cost, especially through digital prospecting.

The Internet has brought out new tools and modern techniques that imply a managerial alignment … which is the real glass ceiling of any digital transformation!


About The Author

Junaid Ali Qureshi is an ecommerce entrepreneur with a passion for tech and marketing. Some of his current ventures include Elabelz.com, Progos Tech, Titan Tech and Smart Marketing.

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